Let’s get the ball rolling!

With the weather changing, it’s time to start thinking of activities to entertain your little indoors! I don’t know about you, but Caroline (19 months) is a very active toddler. I’m seriously considering a mini trampoline for the winter, haha! Simply instruct your little to roll balls across the room while aiming to hit aContinue reading “Let’s get the ball rolling!”

Introducing Sorting Activities

Many parents say that the knowledge and language centers really start to take off at an exponential rate around the 1.5 year mark, so many skills are emerging at this critical time in development. The prerequisite for sorting is basic problem solving and eye-hand coordination that emerges around 15-18 months. At this time, your littleContinue reading “Introducing Sorting Activities”

Toddler-Led Play

Caroline came up with her own sensory activity today! We asked me for an ice cube, so I gave her one. Then she said “more!” So, of course, I went to the freezer and filled up a bowl of ice cubes. She sat in the kitchen with 2 bowls and a spoon for 20 minutesContinue reading “Toddler-Led Play”

DIY Tool for Teaching Empathy and Emotions

Toddlerhood is a non-stop roller coaster for learning and managing emotions. You can introduce emotions early on, and the more you engage and talk to your little about types of emotion, the better they will be at recognizing what is happening to them and begin to be able to understand how to manage them. I’veContinue reading “DIY Tool for Teaching Empathy and Emotions”

DIY Peg Board

Have a golfer in the family? Then you can do this simple DIY in less than 10 minutes! This DIY peg board will help your little enhance those fine motor skills as they pick up and place the golf tees in holes. Appropriate age: 14+ months (due to the size of the tee, it isContinue reading “DIY Peg Board”

Tree Ring Stacker

Reuse & recycle to the rescue again! My little loves her ring stacker, but has already mastered it long ago. This revamped stacker gives more cognitive challenge to grow with her new emerging skills! What you need: Cardboard box Colored popsicle sticks Tape Shower curtain rings Scissors Set it up! Punch a small hole inContinue reading “Tree Ring Stacker”

Magnetic Letter Board

I found this board at Walmart on clearance for $2.88! I love everything about it! It’s magnetic, so the pieces don’t go flying, and it shows pictures of animals, letters, and even numbers! The opportunity for learning is endless. Caroline is about 18 months and is beginning to identify letters and numbers, so this boardContinue reading “Magnetic Letter Board”

Paper towel roll stackers

I love reusing paper towel rolls for activities! They are so simple to transform into something educational. And when Caroline is bored with it, they are easily tossed! This simple craft targets all sorts of goodies: letter recognition, number recognition, color recognition, and sequencing, all while working on fine motor skills to pick up andContinue reading “Paper towel roll stackers”

Visual Motor Skills

What are visual motor skills? It is the ability to interpret visual information and respond with a motor action. Someone that has deficits in visual motor skills may have difficulty in completing a puzzle, demonstrate legible handwriting, throwing/catching a ball, difficulty copying written work, clumsiness, difficulty reading, Components of visual motor skills: Visual processing: HowContinue reading “Visual Motor Skills”

Popsicle Drop

Here’s another 5 minute DIY that targets fine motor skills! Appropriate for 12+ months (Caroline is 16 months pictured). Here, all you’ll need is an empty container with a lid (I reused a Puffs container), scissors, and popsicle sticks ( I recommend using colorful sticks to work on skills like color recognition and language development)!Continue reading “Popsicle Drop”

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