Paper Tube Stringing

Continuing the week with more upcycled ideas! You all know how much I love 5 min DIYs 😉 All this one needs is a couple paper towel or toilet paper rolls, pipe cleaners, and markers. Simply cut up the cardboard tube, slap some colorful letters or numbers on each piece, and voila! You have aContinue reading “Paper Tube Stringing”

“Stuck On You” Fine Motor Game

Recycle and play are easily my favorite tasks. I love turning every day “junk” or “trash” into something functional and fun for littles at home! When you’re working in the field, not all of your families will have access or funds to go and buy some fancy toy. That’s where the creative mind of anContinue reading ““Stuck On You” Fine Motor Game”

DIY Peg Board

Have a golfer in the family? Then you can do this simple DIY in less than 10 minutes! This DIY peg board will help your little enhance those fine motor skills as they pick up and place the golf tees in holes. Appropriate age: 14+ months (due to the size of the tee, it isContinue reading “DIY Peg Board”

DIY Box & Hammer

Hey wine lovers, this one is for you! (And even if you don’t drink, you can purchase corks at any craft store)! This activity is great for young toddlers, ages 1-2. Caroline (18 months) LOVED this! She has a similar toy at home with wooden pegs that don’t come out. She enjoyed hitting the corksContinue reading “DIY Box & Hammer”

Surprise in an Envelope!

Nothing is more fun than watching a child open a surprise gift! Caroline enjoyed this activity so much that we did it over and over again. Not only was it fun for her, but she was learning at the same time! This activity is secretly a fine motor task and a cognitive task. What youContinue reading “Surprise in an Envelope!”

Tree Ring Stacker

Reuse & recycle to the rescue again! My little loves her ring stacker, but has already mastered it long ago. This revamped stacker gives more cognitive challenge to grow with her new emerging skills! What you need: Cardboard box Colored popsicle sticks Tape Shower curtain rings Scissors Set it up! Punch a small hole inContinue reading “Tree Ring Stacker”

Color Wheel Lacing

Lacing activities are popular for little tots, and for good reason! They work on so many skills! And they’re simple. Which, if you’ve been following along, is a big key when it comes to learning independent play skills. So let’s break this one down: Items needed: A paper plate Scissors Pipe cleaners for younger littles,Continue reading “Color Wheel Lacing”

Pom Pom Drop

Calling all Starbucks lovers! This 5 minute fine motor DIY is for you! All you need is a clear cup (I reused my iced coffee starbucks cup), a pair of scissors to cut a small hole, and lots and lots of small pom poms. There is a large age range for this! Caroline (17 months)Continue reading “Pom Pom Drop”

Paper towel roll stackers

I love reusing paper towel rolls for activities! They are so simple to transform into something educational. And when Caroline is bored with it, they are easily tossed! This simple craft targets all sorts of goodies: letter recognition, number recognition, color recognition, and sequencing, all while working on fine motor skills to pick up andContinue reading “Paper towel roll stackers”

“You are my sunshine” Fine Motor DIY

I don’t know about you, but it’s in the upper 90’s in Missouri, it is hot hot HOT! So we are spending more time indoors lately. And this little fine motor sunshine is the perfect way to celebrate the hot sunny days of summer! How to make your sun: Cut out a circle Snip smallContinue reading ““You are my sunshine” Fine Motor DIY”

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