Pom Pom Drop

Calling all Starbucks lovers! This 5 minute fine motor DIY is for you! All you need is a clear cup (I reused my iced coffee starbucks cup), a pair of scissors to cut a small hole, and lots and lots of small pom poms. There is a large age range for this! Caroline (17 months) really enjoyed this task, and she would have been able to do this around a year old as well. You can continue to use this task through the preschool years for additional cognitive development (see below for examples)

What we are working on?

  • Fine motor/visual motor: using pincer grasp and fine motor coordination to accurately place the pom pom in the small opening
  • Cognition: color recognition, counting, color sorting, developing attention to task, and for older littles you can use this task for sequencing ex. put in 2 yellow pom poms, then 1 blue,

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