“You are my sunshine” Fine Motor DIY

I don’t know about you, but it’s in the upper 90’s in Missouri, it is hot hot HOT! So we are spending more time indoors lately. And this little fine motor sunshine is the perfect way to celebrate the hot sunny days of summer!

Items needed:

  • Yellow felt
  • Orange pipe-cleaners
  • Cheerios (or older tots may like threading colorful beads instead)
  • Scissors

How to make your sun:

  1. Cut out a circle
  2. Snip small holes around the border of the circle
  3. Double over a pipe-cleaner, and twist tie it to the circle. Repeat until all the holes are filled
  4. Thread cheerios onto each sun ray for baby to pull off, for older littles, have them thread the cheerios or beads on themselves

What are we working on?

  • Fine motor: Using the pincer grasp to thread the cheerios on and off each sun ray works towards independence in skills like dressing and handwriting
  • Cognition: For older littles, give them goals! ex. number sequencing – string 1 cheerio on the first sun ray, 2 on the next, 3 on the next, and so on.
  • Sensory: lots of different and fun textures for baby to touch and feel! soft pipe-cleaner, fuzzy felt, and rough cheerios! Use lots of descriptive words to help babies language skill development.

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